Every year I miss the cherry blossom festival at High Park, so this year, when I got a text from my sister that it was happening right then, I left everything and made my way to the park. The day was so beautiful I didn't even mind the adoring crowds.
Warning, high colour content!!
This is Dana; she makes dolls; they are called Damned Dollies. These dolls are unlike anything you've seen before. In Dana's words: "Damned Dolls are for the pretty and pissed off. They are one-of-a-kind and very carefully made by hand." I should know as I share my studio with the lovely Dana and her pissed off dolls. I have my own Damned Dollie that encourages me every day with her pretty scowl, bouncy locks and a dress made of ribbons! You may not know, but Dana and I both have a mild obsession with ribbons, so we thought, why not tie some up to a tree and take pictures. Here are the results of our ribbon inspired shoot.